I grew up in a North Carolina town that is the embodiment of “Small Town USA”. As of 2020, it had a population of about 3,000 and a total land area of about 5.6 square miles. In such a close-knit community as this, family owned businesses kept things going and were the lifeforce of the town. I knew that when embarking on this project, I wanted to highlight the relevance and importance of these family-owned businesses in small town communities but I wasn’t quite sure how.

When I encountered B-Bar Farm I knew that this was exactly the place I had in mind. The story of how the Browning family started the farm, grew it into the operation that it is today, and have carried on that legacy through multiple generations is the epitome of a successful family-owned business. The magnetism of B-Bar farm has been touching the Hillsborough community for decades and continues to bring people together even through the digital era and the recent pandemic. I hope this project captures the connectivity created by B-Bar and the warmth of the people who keep its legacy alive.